Removing House Centipedes From Your Basement This Summer

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pest control for country living

I love living out in the middle of the woods, but it does come with a lot of pest problems. We have battled ants, flies and spiders in the house and ticks, spiders, mosquitoes, and all sorts of other pests outside. How can you keep these pests under control when your home is smack dab in the middle of their homes? My blog contains a ton of tips that can help you keep these and many other pests under control. You will find plants that will help keep them away from your house and techniques to eliminate them once they are in your home.


Removing House Centipedes From Your Basement This Summer

31 May 2023
 Categories: , Blog

Summer is here, temperatures are rising, and nature is teeming with life — for better or worse. Dealing with common household pests like ants, cockroaches, and wasps can sometimes feel like a full-time job at this time of year, and your home's cool, humid basement can be particularly difficult to keep pest-free.

One of the most common summer pests found in basements is the house centipede. Tough, terrifying, and possessed of a painful bite, these centipedes can make your basement a very unpleasant place to be.

Why Do House Centipedes Invade Basements During Summer?

House centipedes are not insects, but like most insect species, they must keep their hard exoskeletons moist as much as possible. Both insects and house centipedes breathe through their exoskeletons, and if the exoskeleton dries out, they will suffocate.

Many insect species have exoskeletons covered in a thin, moisture-retaining membrane, known as a cuticle. House centipedes lack cuticles, so they must stay in cool, dark, humid places as much as possible to survive. During the hot, dry summer months, they will hide from the sun in any suitable shelter, even if it is inhabited. Unfortunately, your basement is prime real estate for these many-legged menaces.

How Can You Get Rid Of House Centipedes In Your Basement?

Bear in mind that house centipedes are predators, and will eat cockroaches, silverfish, and other common basement pests. If you are able to tolerate them, they can help keep your home free of other unwanted visitors. However, if you are (understandably) frightened of them, or you have converted your basement into a regular living space, they will probably have to go.

House centipedes are tenacious, and will hide in the smallest cracks and crevices when disturbed, so DIY extermination is often ineffective. To ensure they are thoroughly wiped out, you should call in a professional exterminator service to tackle the beasts.

First, your exterminators will locate and block any access points where house centipedes can gain entry to your basement. Cracks in walls and floors, unused ventilation ducts, and gaps around dryer vents and washing machine hoses are just some possible access points. Many exterminator services use specialized sealants impregnated with pesticides, guaranteeing that centipedes won't use them again. 

Any remaining centipedes can then be found and removed. Some exterminators use vacuum hoses to suck up centipedes and other pests. Diatomaceous earth can also be used; this non-toxic, all-natural product kills centipedes by damaging their exoskeletons and is particularly useful for households with pets.

If your house centipede infestation is particularly bad, chemical pesticides may be used as a last resort. Professional-grade sprays and foggers will eradicate your infestation quickly. Make sure to follow any safety instructions your services give you.

 For more info, contact an exterminator in your area.