Three Pests That Can Winter-Over In Your Home And Why They Need To Be Destroyed

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pest control for country living

I love living out in the middle of the woods, but it does come with a lot of pest problems. We have battled ants, flies and spiders in the house and ticks, spiders, mosquitoes, and all sorts of other pests outside. How can you keep these pests under control when your home is smack dab in the middle of their homes? My blog contains a ton of tips that can help you keep these and many other pests under control. You will find plants that will help keep them away from your house and techniques to eliminate them once they are in your home.


Three Pests That Can Winter-Over In Your Home And Why They Need To Be Destroyed

30 August 2017
 Categories: , Blog

Pests of all kinds usually do not survive harsh northern winters unless they can find shelter from the cold. Your home often becomes their source of warmth and shelter. Mice and rodents most commonly come inside if the winter is particularly bitter. These are easy pests to control, but other pests are harder to find and harder to exterminate. Here are three examples of pests that can over-winter in your home and why they need to be exterminated.

Spiders (Especially Poisonous Ones)

Spiders are supposed to be good, right? Not all of them. If you get a lot of spiders indoors in late fall, they are trying to come in to survive, find food, and live out their lifespans. While the daddy-long-legs spiders are relatively harmless, other spiders are not.

The brown recluse and the black widow are two such spiders you do not want in your home. Their bites can make adults very sick, and kill small children and pets. These spiders are not limited to warmer climates either. For this reason, you should have every dark nook and cranny in your home sprayed for spiders before winter hits.


Many types of bees hibernate in winter. If they have formed a nest in your attic, crawl space, or open roof areas, they need to be removed. They will return and double their population in the spring, thus damaging these areas in an attempt to expand their nests. If they chew through your ceiling or wall and make it into your home, they can and will find other spots to nest, and you may get stung. Pest control services can root out where the bees are hiding, even when the bees are asleep.


Centipedes thrive in moist areas. Like bees, they also hibernate. They look for cracks in wet walls, wriggle inside, and sleep there, but not before they lay thousands of eggs to raise new batches of multi-legged pests. When it warms up in the spring and everything has melted, the centipedes come out of hiding and the eggs hatch. If the problem is not promptly addressed, you will be overrun by these creatures. If enough of them accumulate such that a food source is depleted, the centipedes may move to bite you.

If the thought of these creatures is enough to make you squirm, you may want to eradicate them just on principle. Considering the other factors at play, you should kill them off anyway. Because they can slither into thin cracks and narrow places, only pest control spray can reach them, kill them, and destroy the eggs, too.